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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What's a TRUE Friend Have?

See, one day(I forget exactly when), Skeen and I were arguing about something. Then we started having a decent conversation about something alot of people think about in their lifetime: what makes a TRUE friend? We have so many "friends" that will back off when times are tough or just aren't reliable, but what about those very FEW friends that can actually be classified as friends? One thing me and Skeen have that makes a real friendship is honesty. Both of us are not afraid to tell each other when we disagree with each other or if we think something is a bad idea. Another thing we have is trust. If my life was on the line, I know I can trust Skeen to think of something to help me. And I know Skeen can trust that I'll do what I say I will and that if he asks for something I'll help any way I can. We also have a certain bond that though sometimes we can't stand each other will ALWAYS be there. Heck, I encouraged Skeen to make his blog when he started and Skeen kept telling me I should do one. Now we are each other's followers. And we argue ALOT... But we wouldn't be friends if we did. We give each other advice all the time(he encouraged me to ask out my girlfriend), and, though he's always putting me down, I believe he will succeed in whatever he decides to do with his life, and I know he believes I'll succeed in whatever I choose to do. Well, that's my side of the story!

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