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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Meaning of Life?

Ok, so me and Skeen were supposed to be working on http://www.usatestprep.com/ yesterday, but I was busy creating my blog site and Skeen was working on his(http://www.btskeen.com/ I know I forgot to give it to you yesterday). Well, whenever the teacher came by I would switch it into my usatestprep tab so he wouldn't catch me, but he just kept right on typing. The teacher caught him and told him he should do the work instead. After that Skeen got a little po'd and said some stuff I really wasn't listening. But then Skeen said "Hey Jordan, what's the purpose of things?" I replied, "What do you mean, like the meaning of life?" He said "Yeah, like what's the meaning of life?" Well, I never really got a chance to really answer him because Cory was in the discussion and somehow turned the whole subject around to blogging. But my viewepoint on the meaning of life is actually religious. The meaning of life is to serve God and to show others the narrow path to heaven. Many may try to say otherwise because they're either science teachers or just straight up heathens, but that is as my title suggests MY SIDE OF THE STORY! I believe that God put us on this earth to give us a chance to get to know Him and when we do, show others the way.

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