Quickly Find the Chapters of my Story

Thursday, February 10, 2011

New Rules

Yesterday I posted a blog named "Opinions: Right or Wrong?". I really failed to put excruciating detail on Skeen's "side of the story" and I, being a person who stands for fairness, would like to apologize to him. And by doing so, I would like Skeen to comment on this post with HIS standpoint on our argument over opinions. And in the future, I will only put my side of the argument on my posts, and I invite Skeen to comment HIS side on that post so he and I have both stated our arguments and no one puts words in each other's mouths and no one seems the bad guy. Therefore we will also be the ones that are arguing our cases so we will say what WE mean. Me and Skeen are real good friends, viewers, and I don't want you to think we are or were ever in a feud. We just point out the worst in each other, which is a sign of honesty, and we would still help each other in any way we can, which is a sign of loyalty. Those are the two biggest ingredients in a friendship. If we didn't argue all the time like I said in my first post, we wouldn't be as good friends. So anyways, this is my sincere apology and I hope you'll consider dropping "Your Side of the Story" on "My Side of the Story".

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