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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Different Kinds of Smart

Me and Skeen were talking on the way to the computer lab today. He's been talking about this book named Little Brother. It's about a bunch of tech nerds hacking computers an stuff. Skeen REALLY loves this book. He then stated "Like, I think I'm smart, but I am not even like a BILLIONTH as smart as these guys." Me and him argue a lot so I then said "Yeah, I know you think you're smart." Then we had a little bicker about him thinking he's smarter then me. After a bit he said something I actually had to agree with- THERE ARE DIFFERENT KINDS OF SMART! While thinking about it I agreed with it. I, for example, am well rounded in academics, computers, and video games. But I am not a person who is gifted with the art of speech like Skeen admittedly is. I can't freestyle rap, I can't write a poem off the top of my head, I can't quickly make a snappy comeback if someone insults me. I have to think before I can manage something smart. Or else I spit out dumb phrases or copy what I hear somewhere else. But in the same way if you have ever read Skeen's blog he isn't the best speller in the world, while I pretty much correctly spell anything I attempt to write. There are many other kinds of smart that I can't name off the bat, but the point is we all are smarter than someone else someway or another.

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