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Monday, February 7, 2011

Make Aquaintance with the Fresh Person

My name is Jordan Gardner. I decided to make a blog in reference to BTSkeen's "Meet the New Guy". ME and him go to school together and have alot of... well.. INTERESTING disagreements in a heated battle of who is more right. But if we didn't argue I guess our friendship wouldn't exist because we just wouldn't have anything to do with each other without them. Anyways this blog is basically a way to post our conversations and/or arguments to let you guys decide who is right or just think about what we converse about. I'm not in any way going to be as poetic with my blogs as Skeen. I also will be straight to the point so if you are looking for a long rant filled with total BS go somewhere else. I don't want you here anyway. I basically am going to post about the B&J's(Brandan&Jordan's)  conversations or just type about some random idea I was thinking of. But I don't have to promise you anything because this is MY blog and if you don't like the way I run it, you can just bite me. Well, stay reading my fans, and if you want some fun stuff, go to my website http://www.thebossisawesome.weebly.com/ its filled with games and crap.

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