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Friday, February 18, 2011

The History of Boredom

One day, in a world far more barbaric and far less technologically advanced, there was a young teen who one day refused to stand for what his whole life was: work. He did not know what this feeling was that he had, but he refused to keep it. He named this feeling boredom. So therefore he went to his parents and said "Hey, yo, I'm bored. I'm gonna go out here and do something FUN for a change." So he went out, invented the first skateboard, and had fun. However, this man with the sickly cancer of boredom passed this contagious disease to all his friends and family. It was genetic so it passed onto his kids. And now everyone in the world has this disease called Boredom. There is no known cure, but you can make the symptoms less severe by going out and doing something fun. Unless you are in stupid school, taking some stupid online usatestprep test, and have internet so blocked we can't even go on our own school website because it's categorized as "educational"... And that's my side of the story.

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