Quickly Find the Chapters of my Story

Sunday, July 31, 2011

So Let's Catch Up

Ok... I moved out of my house... I have found my ds so i can play Pokemon White (sweet!). I still have my same job as a beach hunk (that's right ladies), I have been practicing my singing... so, good stuff man, good stuff... I still have my legs and arms...none broken... Oh, girls love me because they can't hear me talk and make a fool out of myself anymore... My friend Alec challenged me to a battle of epic proportions! That I quickly accepted! Oh, and also I figured out what my name means. J(down flowing like a river) a(man, warrior) g(keeper of a garden) So now my name shall be called Flowing Warrior of the Garden! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! EVIL! What? It's not evil sounding? Well forget you! Well that's my side of the story!

1 comment:

  1. You are two white and skinny to be a beach hunk. I doubt the ladies love you if they know you play Pokemon on your ds all the time.(I also doubt it was epic. You have a way of hyperbolising.) Can I just call you PlantMan or your supervillan name GardenGnome! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
