Quickly Find the Chapters of my Story

Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Summer

Dudes I have not blogged in so long I almost forgot my own password... Yeah, I know, it's sad. So I've had a pretty eventful summer... hot as hell... boring as hell... sucks like hell... people mean as hell... so that must mean I"M IN HELL! Nah, but one thing has come out of it... Plague has finally come out and Skeen finally got it. And I'm gonna borrow it later hopefully! I know what you're thinking. "Skeen is your enemy, that's what your blog is about, you and him arguin all the time". Well, it's like this. Yes, me and Skeen are enemies. However, the saying goes that you are your own worst enemy. And another saying goes an enemy of my enemy is my friend. So actually, Skeen is my friend. Plus, we get along much better when we arent FORCED to see each other in that jailhouse I call school. So, the scary fact: ME AND SKEEN ARE FRIENDS! oooooooWEEEEEEEEEooooooo! Alright, That's MY Side of the Story!

1 comment:

  1. Its sad I havent seen you all summer and I can still picture you saying that perfectly. Also neither of those sayings relates or explains are friendship.(Have you noticed that the word neither dosnt follow the i before e except after c rule. Its strange.)
