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Saturday, February 19, 2011

JAGardner: Mountain Climber

See, ever since like 8 months ago I've been wanting to climb a mountain. Why? Well, have you ever heard that Rascal Flatts song Mayberry? And a few other songs I can't remember right now. Anyways that song talks about being above the noise and city streets ans how his worries disappear. Well, I want to climb a mountain for that very reason. To see exactly how peaceful it is in absolute silence. I told Skeen that we need to do it. He dampened my spirits a little when he reminded me we would need to take oxygen training to learn to adapt to the lower oxygen levels, but I told him I still wanna do it anyways. He's in... but if he ruins the silence by breathing too hard I'll fix that problem right away... That's a joke by the way, I'm not a lunatic. Anyways wish us luck in about ten years! That's my side of the story!

1 comment:

  1. your more likely to destroy the silience by falling down the mountain and its only been like 4 months since you told me about it. Besides I told you I want to climb a mountain and film it a year ago
