Okay, this is weird... This is the first time I've posted on the new interface on here. So, I've been keeping myself very busy lately between my job, my church, my school, and drama class. For those of you few people who read this, you all should well know that drama and I are never on speaking terms, yet there it is always making my life a living HELL!!! However, drama CLASS is different. I love drama class. It's the most fun I've had my high school career because I can make a total fool of myself and be accepted for it! I've been put in the lead for our comedy called Don't Fear the Reaper, and if you ask me, I'm pretty darn good at it. I play the reaper, and as Death himself, I have the responsibility of being an unbiased gate between Heaven and Hell. This
is going to be AWESOME!!! Wish me luck!!!