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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year! Hope the World Doesn't End!

Ok, so I know the world will not end in 2012. It's ridiculous to even think so. After all, everyone knows the world is going to end in 2024 because of the Guam incident! I'm glad too, because I graduate this year, and I don't think I wanna have the world end straight after I get what I've worked my whole life for. That would be pretty disappointing. "So Jordan, you stop writing for like months, and now when you decide to write, you write about the end of the world which EVERYONE is tired about hearing. What the heck, bro?" Well then, I'll tell you what's going on in my life... Well, the play Don't Fear the Reaper went great. I "killed" at the part of Death(hehe, puns)... and I also did one of the leads in the Christmas play The Rednecks Undo Christmas. I played the lead redneck, and(appropriately) Skeen played the archrival snob. We did awesome. Now this big director for our county's theater team wants me in their next comedy, but I don't know if I should do it. Not enough time. Christmas was ok, I got a 3DS. And admittedly, those things are pretty sweet. I haven't even bought a game for it yet, and I'm STILL having fun on it. I totally recommend it, even if you're not a gamer. There's still so much to do on it. Ok, so I'm way off topic now, So I'm out of here. So long, Farewell, Alveenasein(or something like that), Adeu! Peace, bro!